Friday, February 1, 2019

What to ask my child.......

Some great questions to ask your child at the end of a school day which may be great conversation starters....


  1. Asked Ryann what was her best idea today? She’s decided that she wants to design a waste water system set up for plants and have goldfish under it. So the water from the fish isn’t wasted and helps the plants grow. Might be turning our tropical fish into a hydroponic set up.

    1. I love that idea Ryann!! I found this really cool fish tank thing made out of marley pipes, I'll search it out and show you on Monday :)

    2. It may possibly have been the marley pipes that were designed under a glass-topped coffee table. It looked great but I couldn't help but think what a nightmare it would be to clean!!!!

  2. That's a neat list. Something different from "How was your day?" .... "Good".

    1. Anna and I both know that when we have asked our own children at home the 'how was your day' question...we didn't always get much in response. Hope some of these ideas are helpful.

  3. ركز صيانة الوكيل لصيانة كافة الاجهزه المنزليه ضمان 6 اشهور على الصيانه وضمان سنه على قطع الغيار الاصليه خدمه 24 ساعه للتواصل معانا برجاء الاتصال على رقم 01021070330
    صيانة كريازي
    صيانة اريستون
    صيانة توشيبا
    صيانة وايت بوينت
    ا صيانة ال جي
    صيانة وايت ويل
    صيانة اريستون
    صيانة زانوسي
