OUR MISSION:![](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/r5SsHB7Tw1wpRBXJ9uwJjc-r03Mzns1Vxk53_MMGautNpQlXfMzSX03EBHLQ_nyCIPZyUYQVfjPRslKFvLtJuIqN95KsNyzkJk0H17sdXa485eQ-RO6FCTUuNsSpDkP0TwQinOiM)
Maintain a challenging learning to learn community that responds to the interests, needs, and talents of our learners.
Positive difference, Creative learner, Effective communicator.
Week 3 Term 1
Tēna koutou Tūhono whānau,
We started off the week well considering we couldn’t swim because the pool temperature was very undesirable and it rained during lunchtime. Tūhono was organised for their day of learning and are starting to settle into their daily routines and expectations.
Tomorrow and on Wednesday we are looking forward to meeting our Tūhono whānau to find out a bit more about your child’s talents, interests and needs. Today we sent out a sheet for you to fill out that will help us get to know your child as a whole learner and what their aspirations are for 2017. Please click on this link if you would like a digital copy to fill out. Just a reminder that this time around we are making interview bookings online. Please click here to access the webpage and you will need to enter the following event code: dbn6t then follow the instructions on screen.
Today a camp booklet came home which brought about a lot of excitement for Tūhono students. It included an information page, gear list, camp programme, followed by all of the forms that need to be filled out - consent x 2, medical and emergency contact information and parent helpers request. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please don’t hesitate to email us and we would like to have them returned as soon as possible, so that we can get further planning underway.
Tūhono are now well into establishing regular routines and expectations for learning. Along with our learning comes our learning tools. It is great to see that everyone has purchased their stationery and everything is well-organised in our bright, container boxes. One request that we have is that all students bring earphones or earbuds to school to use with devices when needed. This is a health requirement. Thank you to all of those families who have purchased these already and having them in a named container that will fit in their stationery box helps too.
Tūhono have been setting goals for their swimming sessions by looking closely at videos of themselves swimming. They have been using the Swim Safe modules to choose the skills that they need to master, skills such as streamlining their body, chin to chest and blowing bubbles correctly. These will be shared on their blogs shortly. Please note that swimming is compulsory as part of our physical education programme. If your child is unable to swim for medical reasons, a note or email needs to be provided to Mrs Trinder.
Thank you to those students who consistently bring a hat to school everyday and wear it at morning tea and lunchtimes. Even though the weather hasn’t been ideal lately, the sun is just as harmful. Dojo points are given out to those who bring their hats consistently.
Another big thank you to those students and whānau who have discussed and thought more about how they can contribute to Zero Waste at Frankley School. Through this discussion, we have decided to use our food scraps to make compost. More details to follow about this.
Another special display that we would like to have in our classroom is a whānau wall. This is a place for us to show off and be proud of all of those people that help us in our learning, because the students and we, as teachers, could never do it alone. Could you please send along a beautiful family photo with your child for us to hang on our wall, or alternatively you can email it to Mrs T or Mrs Cribb for us to print it for you.
This Thursday is the Annual Frankley School Beach Picnic at Ngamotu Beach. Please click on the link for all of the details. Note though that if we call off Beach Picnic, you are still more than welcome to come have lunch with your child/ren at 12:50pm on Thursday instead.
What a week! Remember if you want to chat or just have a question, feel free to email us or drop in to catch up with one of us or both of us!
Anna Trinder / Kim Cribb
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